Dakshinawarti Shankh(sinistral turbinella pyrum)
The sea shell which open towards left hand are commonly available but rare the seashells which open towards Right Side. Shells are obtained from the water-animals especially form snails, which live in the seas. Dakshina means the south side or when holding the sankh , Right Side. Therefore it is called Dakshinavarti Shankh. Dakshinavarti Shankh is available in white colour and with brown lines on it. Dakshinavarti Shankh is the symbol of Maa Lakshmi. Godess Lakshmi photo always depicts Dakshinavarti Shank in her hands. Dakshinavarti Shankh shankh shall be kept in Puja Ghar or Locker during any auspicious occasionor festival, Dakshinavarti Shankh brings good luck and prosperity to the individual and his family. In the Puranas, the gods and goddesses are depicted as holding a shell, whenever they are happy or setting out on war.Whenever the shell is blown it is said to purify the environment form all evil effects. Even the scietists have agreed othe fact that the blowing of a conch increases the positive qualities in the atmosphere such as courage, hope, determination, will -power, optimism,etc. It is always recommended that every house shall have Dakshinavarti Shankh for wealth, prosperity and Good Luck. It is belived that who keeps this Shell in their locker , they would never face any dearth of money in there life. Dakshinavarti Shankh shall be kept on white cloth in puja Ghar or Wrapped in white cloth, if need to be kept in locker. One shall light incense in front of dakshinavarti shankh and offer white rice and milk.Ordinarily the conches are Vamvarti i.e their bulge opening towards left side(facing North). Some shells are Dakshinvarti, their bulge opening towards the right side i.e facing south and even their sprial lines run towards the right . South is the direction of Kuber, the God of wealth, Tantrik Shastra has given great importance ot such types of shells. Dakshinvarti shells are very reare and are found only in a very few palces . Their sizes differ, starting form the size of a wheat gram ot as large as coconut. Mostly these shells ar available only at Kanya Kumari. A completely white coloured-one is very rearely found.Dakshina varti shankh not only bring wealth but also purifies the atmosphere. All the negatives energies are drain out of the place. about Dakshinavarti Shankh. Classification according to its length: Yavakar- These shells ar very small in size i.e as small as the size of a wheat gain and are dark grey in colour. They are quite strong and connot be crushed eaisly. Ellakar These are a little bigger in almost size of a cardamom, round supari ora lemaon. These shells ar mostly found in lakes. These shells are alos known as Hira shankh. These are as expensive as dimonds and considered very valuable among the shells.Benefits of Dakshinvarti Shankh
1. Prosperity to the house or office
2. No shortage of food, money or clothes.
3. Brings peace to the premises.
4. If kept in the bedroom, it brings harmony among the couple.
5. If kept during a religious gathering, it brings knowledge by evoking Goddess Saraswati.
6. Enlightens the students with knowledge and sharpens their memory.
7. Fill it with Ganges water and sprinkle it on a person or in a premises. Malefic planetery effects and black magic evils disappear.
8. Removes ill-effects of Brahmhatya, Gau-hatya and Bal-hatya (Dosha due to killing of a priest, cow or a child in the previous births).
Shankh is a conch shell. This instrument has a strong association with the Hindu religion. It is said that when it is blown it announces the victory of good over evil. This instrument has limited musical applications.
In Shaivite temple in South India there are Shankha Abhishekham performed to Lord Shiva with 1008 conch shells and rudram is recited.
The significance of blowing the conch shell during pujas and other ceremonies is to denote the evil thoughts and actions to be blown away before the auspecious events take place.
Thank you, Chitappa for this illuminating information on Shankha. Are any special requirements to be met when We have Shankha at home; Can they kept by everyone?
with regards,
How to keep conch shell(dakshinavarti she'll) at home and in which direction?
Is any Pooja or ritual required to keep the shell at home?
If yes then Pls reply.
Thanking you
Meet Raval
How to keep conch shell(dakshinavarti she'll) at home and in which direction?
Is any Pooja or ritual required to keep the shell at home?
If yes then Pls reply.
Thanking you
Meet Raval
Whether we should blow a Dakshinavarty conch before starting puja ?
Thank you for this wonderful information
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