Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam Meaning : “We bow to Maruti, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his palms folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama are sung“.
Sri Hanuman is worshipped all over India-either alone or together with Sri Rama.
Every temple of Sri Rama has the murti or idol of Sri Hanuman. Hanuman is the Avatara of Lord Shiva. He was born of the Wind-God and Anjani Devi. His other names are Pavanasuta, Marutsuta, Pavankumar, Bajrangabali and Mahavira.
Hanuman Jayanthi, marks a symbolic acceptance of the human race’s peaceful co-existence with nature and the worship of an animal as a divine creature. It is celebrated during Chaitra (April) to commemorate the birth of Hanuman, the monkey god widely venerated throughout India. In Tamil Nadu, it is observed in the Tamil month Margazhi, which is one of the most auspicious months in Tamil In 2009, Hanuman Jayanthi, in Tamil Month Margazhi is on December 16.
Hanuman or Anjaneya was born on Moola Nakshatra, on the new moon day (amavasya) in the month of Margazhi.
Hanuman possessed devotion, knowledge, spirit of selfless service, power of celibacy, and desirelessness. He never boasted of his bravery and intelligence. The world has not yet seen and will not see in future also a mighty hero like Sri Hanuman. During his life he worked wonders and exhibited superhuman feats of strength and valour. He has left behind him a name which, as long as the world lasts, will continue wielding a great influence over the minds of millions of people.
It is believed that he who meditates on him and repeats his name attains power, strength, glory, prosperity and success in life. He is worshipped in all parts of India, particularly in the state of Maharashtra.
The Margazhi month also has another importance which is also marked as a “Classical kutcheri’s season”. It is well known in tamilnadu. All the sabhas would be full fledged with people who has interest in music. This would be held as a great event. Indians from abroad throng the sabhas especially during this season.
There are also many famous temples for Hanuman. To name a few,
- 32-feet Anjaneyar temple at Nanganallur, Chennai
- Anjaneyar temple at Namakkal without roof. The temple had recently it’s kumbabishekam also.
- Panchamukha Anjaneyar temple at Panchavati on way toPondy.
Jai Ho Bajrangbali ki….
That was a nice write up, chitappa on Hanuman jayanti and it was nice to see the familiar picture of Nanganallur Hanumar.
The link to hindupedia.com was forwarded by Bhama chitt's niece- Anita.
with regards.
thought this might be interesting..
Why is Lord Ganapati first worshipped before any pooja or task ?
1. Origin and meaning
Gana (गण) + pati (पति)= Ganapati. Pati is the nurturer. The various
meanings of the word gana are given below.
1.1. According to Maharshi Panini
Gana is a group of the eight vasus. The word vasu refers to direction or
the guardian deity of the directions (dikpal or dikdev). Ganapati is the
nurturer, master (swami) of the directions. (According to one school of
thought, Ganapati is the master of the ten directions. The upward and
downward directions along with the eight directions constitute the ten
directions.) Other deities cannot reach the site of ritualistic worship
(puja) from any direction without His permission. Hence any auspicious
task or the ritualistic worship of any other deity is commenced with the
ritualistic worship of Lord Ganapati. Once Ganapati clears the
directions, the deity one is worshipping can manifest itself there. This
itself is referred to as Mahadvarpujan or Mahaganapatipujan. [In the
Ganpatya sect, the word Ganapati is used instead of Brahman (God) and
Mahaganapati instead of Parabrahman (Supreme God).]
1.2 According to the Sanskrutkosh
Gana means a pure spiritual particle (pavitrak). A pavitrak is the
subtlemost particle of divine consciousness (chaitanya). Ganapati is the
master of such pure particles.
1.3 According to the Nighantukosh
Gana is the collection of tiryak (raja) and visphutit (tama) frequencies
which are harmful to the animate creation. The one controlling them is
Ganapati. As given in the table below, there are 360 different
frequencies which travel continuously in the eight directions. A
collection of these frequencies is referred to as gana. Sage
Hiranyagarbha was the exponent of these frequencies.
(Detailed information about the 360 and 108 frequencies is given in
'Science of Spirituality : Vol. 7 - Supreme God, God, Incarnations and
Deities'. AVAILABLE at website www.sanatan.org )
Hindu new year starts on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada and not on 1st january , lets know its significance
Lets see the importance of new year as per hindu tradition .
The holy festival which marks the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day for Hindus, falls on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (the first day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Chaitra). It is known as Gudhi Padwa (Maharashtra) or Yugaadi (Ugadi) (Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh) in India. On this very day Lord Brahma created the Universe. Therefore for Hindus, this day carries special importance. The day is celebrated with an auspicious bath, followed by decorating the main door with a garland (toran), performing ritualistic worship and hoisting the flag (DharmaDhwaj or Gudhi).
Importance: The Hindu New Year begins on the first day of the month of Chaitra from the Hindu lunar calendar. The natural, historical and spiritual reasons to mark the commencement of the year on the first day of the month Chaitra of are discussed in the following sections.
Natural: The spring season commences, the trees bear new foliage and appear fresh. In the Shrimadbhagvadgita the Lord says, “Among the seasons the exhilarating Vasant season (spring) is My manifestation,” thus signifying the importance of this season. In this season the weather is pleasant and exhilarating.
Historical: Lord Rama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, returned to Ayodhya after slaying the demons and Ravan, an evil king of the demons who had kidnapped Lord Rama’s queen, Sita, on this very day. He slayed Vali, a powerful and evil king of Kishkindha on this very day.
1. Since on this day Lord Brahma created the universe and the Satyayug began, it marks the commencement of the New Year.
2. It is one among the three-and-a-half auspicious days (sade teen muhurtas). The special feature of the three and a half days are that unlike other days when one has to choose an auspicious moment to perform a ritual, on these one does not need to as every moment of these days are auspicious.
3. The higher incidence of prajapati sanyukta (conjoint) frequencies on the earth: The Hindu Holy text Ganeshyamal tantra states that totally 108 subtle frequencies reach the earth. These stem from the four parts (charans) of each of the twenty-seven lunar asterisms from the Nakshtralok. They disintegrate further into four type of frequencies – yama, surya, prajapati and sanyukta (conjoint), and strike the earth in varying proportions throughout the year. On the first day of the month of Chaitra, the prajapati sanyukta and surya sanyukta frequencies, which have the potential to increase the spiritual/subtle purity (sattva) component, descend in larger quantities. Also on this day, the maximum number of the purity-predominant prajapati sanyukta frequencies descends upon the earth.
Dear Onlyananda
your analysis of Lord Ganapati being worshipped first is very interesting.
I came across this video on Ganapati. Watch it. The analysis by this Indian Guru is very very interesting and enlightening.
Hi Anand,
It felt so nice to see you inform us on significance of rituals the way Raju chitappa does.
Keep it going!
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