T.T.Rangarajan, with a mission to awaken humanity founded Alma Mater in 1995, thus embarking on his journey of leading people on the path of holistic living. His singular pursuit of his life's mission of transforming people has since been to 'make a difference' to every human life and enable living from a higher pedestal possible and practicable for everyone. Today, hundreds of organisations and thousands of people would vouch for the turnaround Rajan has created in their lives.
A spiritual teacher, endowed with a deep connectivity to existence and enormous spiritual strength, he guides people in their quest for self-realisation. He has brought meditation to the common man, and in his presence, thousands have experienced the depths of silence. He is highly revered by all those who have heard him or known him, for he isn't a mere preacher but one who first lives by his teaching. He, for one, believes that the messenger should be the message. His skill in harmonising the materialistic and spiritual worlds is gracefully reflected in his lifestyle.
His eloquence and ability to speak impromptu on any subject pertaining to human dynamics - be it psychology, relationship, management or spirituality makes him a remarkable and awe-inspiring communicator. His ability to expound in the simplest mode the most complicated aspects of life, his exhaustive analysis of human behaviour and his profound knowledge of the circuit of human life appeals to listeners of all age groups. Being an impassioned propagator of value based living and holistic development, his vision of lifting humanity to a higher level of spiritual consciousness is carried through by his training programs, residential spiritual retreats and the growth oriented magazine 'Frozen Thoughts', of which he is the editor.
In the larger perspective, his vision is also to bring much needed dramatic changes to the prevailing education system and to create a paradigm shift in the attitudes of the teaching faculty so as to better equip every child with an empowering personality. His ongoing effort in this direction through the 'Subject +' programs has touched innumerable educational institutions, a number that is increasing by the day. In order to reach out to a larger segment, Rajan through the 'Alma Mater Mission' conducts public discourses on various spiritual subjects on a periodical basis. It is a well-known fact that thousands of people, including opinion makers in the society, throng to listen to Rajan and it is such a common sight to see people sitting even in the aisles of huge auditoriums to listen to him.
He is an insightful teacher, trainer and Guru. A firm believer of the power of human potential and endowed with spiritual wisdom, he is driven by an unwavering sense of commitment to his cause. His ability to spontaneously answer questions from any sphere of life on any forum renders him inimitable. Possessed by his own sense of destiny, he is a constant revelation unto himself as well as life. He is a path breaker and thus a path finder. He is a phenomenon and the only Guru of his kind.
Please Listen to his voice on the talk on Dincharya, in you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3heEGt9NrE.
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