Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sankhya Yoga

There are six major schools of thought in Hindu philosophy called the Shatdarsanas, which accept the authority of the Vedas and are therefore grouped as astika. They are Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Uttara Mimamsa (or Vedanta). Of these, the Samkhya (pronounced 'Saankhya') system is considered as the oldest philosophical system founded by Kapila Muni.

The Samkhya school of philosophy is of particular interest to us now since it is considered as the basis of all schools of Indian Dualism and finds mention in the Mahabharata, Bhagavata and later in the Yoga Vashishtha.

According to the Bhagavatam, Kapila Muni was born to Kardama Muni and Devahuti. After his father Kardama Muni renounced the world, Kapila Muni instructs his mother into the nuances of yoga and devotion to Lord Vishnu. Thus, his teachings are also considered as the essence of Bhakti Yoga. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna refers to himself thus, "Among the Siddhas, I am Kapila Muni" (10.26).

Kapila Muni also finds a place in the story of the origin of the holy river Ganga. King Sagara of Ayodhya, an ancestor of Rama, performed the Aswamedha yajna (horse sacrifice) ninety-nine times. Indra the King of the Heaven grew jealous of him since the scriptures say that any person who performs the horse sacrifice a hundred times becomes the next Indra, ruler of the heavens. So, Indra kidnapped the horse and hid it in the hermitage of Kapila Muni during the hundredth sacrifice.

The sons of Sagara found the horse in the Muni's ashram and attacked him suspecting him to be the culprit. Kapila burnt the assailants to ashes with his spiritual power. Later, Anshuman, a grandson of King Sagara, went to Kapila and begged him to redeem the souls of his ancestors. Kapila replied that only if the water of the holy Ganga descended from heaven and touched the ashes would they be redeemed.

The story of Anshuman's son Bhagiratha fulfilling his father's unfinished task by bringing down the Ganga and making it flow through Kapila Muni's ashram is quite well known.


Unknown said...

Sacrificing animals is wrong and is a sin. It is demonic not godly

Unknown said...

This is why Lokmanya Tilak rebelled because outsiders who misinterpretted the Vedic information to suit their ideas.

Asva = horse Asvamedha = horse muscle/fat power/energy and

Yagna = trigger .(thought to be a Sacrifice from the initiator) as Tyag and Yag

Both Rigveda and Sankhya Sutra 37 had shown that by triggering space more energy can be released.

(You must have seen those Slokas/ Sutras on our website.)

The Yagna was to bring rain .

Agni (expansion by heat ) was the trigger . Throwing ghee onto a fire pit or agnikund was the yagna sacrifice from the performer.

The power was measured by the number of people controlling the ignition of Ghee in the fire.

A 1000 people sat aroud the Agnikund in a closed circle and recited a particular verse in a forceful way. The verse was a rythmic utterance. Every time the verse ended the 1000 people said SWAHA forcefully such that the air blown out of their lungs converged on the agnikund and the priest threw in the spoon of Ghee in the correct time for it ignite with a bang, which sent up a column of hot air upwards. That column contained unburnt Ghee too because the the exolosive ignition was not good enough to burn all the ghee. The unburnt ghee rose up in the hot air column and kept rising higher ahigher depending on the verse, timeing and amount of ghee. Now the unburnt ghee say at about a few hundred feet spread and cooled and formed the seed to create clouds. Oil and water dont mix abd created droplets like silver iodide cloud seeding done tody from planes.

The 1000 people breathing inand out forcfully and periodicaly was calculated to be equal to the power of a running horse. Within twentyfour hours it would rain in and around that area. This is how they had control on water in areas where there was no river etc. All this was forgotten by the survivors. But the group that went to Europe remembered the Yagna too (Especialy Norway, Sweden, Finland etc.) But in time it became distorted and by then the european survivors became meat eaters to survive the cold and for lack of agricultural products there. They started slaughtering horse to appease the gods. As you know the Germans claimed to be pure Aryans - characters like Maxmuller -who never came to India - described the asva medha as slaughterin a 1000 horsed as a sacrifice. And our dear brethren ACCEPTED THAT and started bleating that cows and horses were slaughtered in vedic times -- not to eat - but as offerings to the gods.This became a tribal practice and spread. Both The Vedic and Avesta (Parsees) were agrarian in their habits but of course it changed over the years. Vedic people before the floods were highly spiritual and had parapsychological powers and would not for Karmic rebirth as the victim was a strong deterent. Even now remote pockets of tribals in lush areas do not kill.

The Yagna concept was strongly imbedded in their memories and the practice continued but not with original purpose. Many upanishads gave the clues of Yagnas.
Pls investigate Vedic knowledge at

jsb said...

Superb explanation ji. So scientfic !!!

Subodh Deshpande said...

but where are the sankhya sutras in this blog