Sunday, December 30, 2007

Chandra or Moon

Chandra or Moon
CHANDRA (MOON) is a lovable God - a loving god. Pleasing to children as well as elders universally appealing to everyone whatever may bthe religion of the onlooker. Sages and devotees invoke the Goddess Mother in Chandra and meditate for hours.This griho (Moon) causes nightfall strengthens the mind, purifies the blood and is considered as the mother who radiates nectar (Amrut). Worship of this griha is said to be beneficial for relief e from all sorrows, helps in curing mental afflictions. etc. His cool rays radiate happiness around. He adores the head of Lord Siva. Worshipping Chandra on Mondays is said to be very effective in getting one's prayers answered. In the Zodiac he is the lord of Cancer. He stays 2 1/4 days in each Rasi completing a round of the 12 Rasis in 27 days .
The Temple for Chandra or Moon is at Thingaloor on the way to Tiruvayyaru from Swamy Malai.

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